
PlayerColonel MK2000 (Gold!)
Last Play2021/01/11 13:43:35
MedalHolding #0
Best MedalHeld #1
Officer Kills
(half the MK's score or +)
Wins15 (40%)
Winning Streak-4
Killing Streak-2
Running GamesNone
Possible AliasesNone
Exclusion ListNone
[Manage List]
Last KillsLieutenant Sodding17 (4 +0 points) in game 'chaos'
General Vazha (9 +131 points) in game 'WAR'
General Yaeger (9 +124 points) in game 'WAR'
Marshall METALLICA (9 +170 points) in game 'WAR'
Corporal SE (3 +0 points) in game 'Comandos'
Colonel Navarro (7 +9 points) in game 'Operation Black Pool'
Lt.General Gro-Bhaal One (8 +93 points) in game 'Troglodyte Generals join me'
Colonel Navarro (7 +21 points) in game 'Brasilia'
Lt.General Gro-Bhaal One (7 +71 points) in game '1x1'
General Yaeger (8 +175 points) in game 'Hard'
Lt.General Gro-Bhaal One (7 +85 points) in game '4x4'
Soldier Zig-Zag (2 +0 points) in game 'Hugh Jazz Game'
Marshall Vazha (9 +239 points) in game 'Humbolt Strong'
Marshall Vazha (9 +268 points) in game 'courage'
Private Sassy6 (3 +0 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Cadet Akasha007 (1 +0 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Private Slobber Bob (3 +0 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Lt.General Hasun (7 +161 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Private Slobber Bob (3 +0 points) in game 'Humbolt Strong'
General Snake Eye (8 +250 points) in game 'dont pick up the soap'
Lt.General Hasun (7 +210 points) in game '10 players? short turns?'
Colonel Hoopydoo (7 +198 points) in game '10 players? short turns?'
General Snake Eye (8 +328 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Recruit TrojanMan (2 +0 points) in game 'Dont sink'
Lt.General Ricko (7 +307 points) in game 'Humbolt Strong'
Lieutenant Frank (5 +146 points) in game '1x1'