
PlayerCaptain Shofner (Gold!)
AllianceNew Bloods
Last Play2017/10/06 20:56:05
MedalHolding #0
Best MedalHeld #1
Officer Kills
(half the MK's score or +)
Wins16 (43%)
Winning Streak-5
Killing Streak1
Running GamesNone
Possible AliasesNone
Exclusion ListNone
[Manage List]
Last KillsColonel Billy (7 +54 points) in game 'No need for Navy'
Lt.General Gro-Bhaal One (7 +87 points) in game 'A cold war'
Cadet Scrilla (1 +0 points) in game 'No need for Navy'
Lt.Colonel Billy (6 +51 points) in game 'Empires'
Recruit Glenn88 (2 +0 points) in game 'north Scranton'
Cadet Scrilla (1 +0 points) in game 'Duel'
Corporal Mr.Ben (3 +0 points) in game 'Duel'
Cadet DeaX (1 +0 points) in game 'Antartica'
Lt.General Snake Eye (8 +160 points) in game 'Battle for the brave'
Soldier Skyven (3 +0 points) in game 'Empire'
Cadet Scrilla (1 +0 points) in game 'Battle for the brave'
Lt.General Snake Eye (8 +173 points) in game 'sdfkdk'
Cadet SuperSpy (1 +0 points) in game 'sdfkdk'
Captain Billy (5 +0 points) in game 'sdfkdk'
Recruit JoeR (2 +0 points) in game 'Empires'
Cadet Scrilla (1 +0 points) in game '4Islands'
Private Nickster (3 +0 points) in game '4Islands'
Cadet Scrilla (1 +0 points) in game 'Bottom'
Cadet Asiaxo (1 +0 points) in game 'Empires'
Cadet Farhad (1 +0 points) in game 'Smash'
Sergeant Seu Marido (4 +0 points) in game 'Smash'
Lt.General Snake Eye (8 +199 points) in game 'Smash'
Soldier Skyven (2 +0 points) in game 'Empires'
Cadet WhiteCrow (1 +0 points) in game 'Empires'
Lt.General Snake Eye (8 +223 points) in game 'Empires'
Cadet MealyMouth01010 (1 +0 points) in game 'Enter Sandman'