
PlayerGeneral Rowie007 (Lite)
Last Play2024/03/15 07:53:14
MedalHolding #0
Best MedalHeld #1
Officer Kills
(half the MK's score or +)
Wins77 (72%)
Winning Streak2
Killing Streak5
Running GamesNone
Possible AliasesNone
Exclusion ListJoeyphillip
[Manage List]
Last KillsMarshall Redman (10 +126 points) in game 'Ain't gay in a 3 way'
Private Lucca (3 +0 points) in game 'Ain't gay in a 3 way'
Marshall METALLICA (10 +164 points) in game 'Peak Performance'
Marshall Snake Eye (10 +147 points) in game 'Peak Performance'
Marshall Vagner Rocha (10 +173 points) in game 'Peak Performance'
Lt.Colonel Sesam (6 +0 points) in game 'MoneyWar'
General Major J (8 +71 points) in game 'I See Dead People'
Marshall Redman (9 +178 points) in game 'I See Dead People'
Recruit Kristian91 (2 +0 points) in game 'MoneyWar'
Recruit Kristian91 (2 +0 points) in game 'Winter War'
Marshall Snake Eye (9 +205 points) in game 'A Christmas Game'
Marshall METALLICA (10 +278 points) in game 'A Christmas Game'
Captain Juggernaut (5 +0 points) in game 'A big game'
Lt.General METALLICA (7 +13 points) in game 'Come get some'
Major Gro-Bhaal One (6 +0 points) in game 'LumpOfCoal'
Colonel Joeyphillip (6 +0 points) in game 'LumpOfCoal'
Recruit WildTiger (2 +0 points) in game 'A new power is rising'
Recruit Uyan (2 +0 points) in game 'A new power is rising'
Cadet Lincolnator (1 +0 points) in game 'A new power is rising'
Private Perdidon (3 +0 points) in game 'A new power is rising'
Soldier Seu Marido (2 +0 points) in game 'A new power is rising'
Colonel Spanky (6 +0 points) in game 'Desert Warfare'
Cadet Comfox (1 +0 points) in game 'Desert Warfare'
Private SpanishTom (3 +0 points) in game 'Desert Warfare'
General Oliver (9 +134 points) in game 'War of Roses'
Marshall Montanha (9 +168 points) in game 'Desert Warfare'