Othe manO

PlayerPrivate Othe manO (Lite)
Last Play2019/03/30 03:18:17
MedalHolding #0
Best MedalHeld #0
Officer Kills
(half the MK's score or +)
Wins5 (15%)
Winning Streak-9
Killing Streak-2
LocationPortland, Oregon
Running GamesNone
Possible AliasesRAT BOY

(Inactive aliases are automatically deleted after 4-6 weeks)
Exclusion ListNone
[Manage List]
Last KillsCadet Melodyangel (1 +0 points) in game '18 for 9'
General Snake Eye (8 +347 points) in game 'Ragnorock'
Sergeant Chasm (4 +74 points) in game 'To much Rain'
Sergeant Sodding17 (4 +92 points) in game 'Skates on'
Sergeant Chasm (4 +95 points) in game 'Quick24 game on Airwar2'
Captain Joana (5 +215 points) in game 'Quick'
Major Joana (5 +243 points) in game 'quick'
Recruit Madmax (2 +0 points) in game 'One for the money'
Cadet Pokemonboy100 (1 +0 points) in game 'One for the money'
Cadet AwoudeX (1 +0 points) in game 'Cappy returns'
Soldier RAT BOY (2 +37 points) in game 'Lets Go (Pwd!)'
Cadet AwoudeX (1 +0 points) in game 'What the fox say'
Cadet APFELSCHORLE (1 +0 points) in game 'APFELSCHORLE'
Soldier TheTrickster (2 +47 points) in game 'Don't Get Tricked'