
PlayerSergeant Flacidman (Lite)
Last Play2018/06/09 01:52:18
MedalHolding #0
Best MedalHeld #4
Officer Kills
(half the MK's score or +)
Wins14 (27%)
Winning Streak1
Killing Streak2
Locationcoquitlam, bc
Running GamesNone
Possible AliasesNone
Exclusion ListNone
[Manage List]
Last KillsLt.General Hasun (7 +206 points) in game 'Humboldt Strong'
Colonel Hoopydoo (7 +201 points) in game 'Humboldt Strong'
Cadet Siphamat (1 +0 points) in game 'Eden for all'
Soldier Skyven (2 +0 points) in game 'Eden for all'
Lt.General Snake Eye (7 +233 points) in game 'Eden for all'
Recruit WhiteCrow (2 +0 points) in game 'Eden for all'
Colonel Pezzz (7 +221 points) in game 'Bridges are Slippery'
Recruit Giuti (2 +0 points) in game 'Bridges are Slippery'
Recruit Goatride (2 +0 points) in game 'Bring some Skill'
Cadet Dezinho14 (1 +0 points) in game 'Bring some Skill'
Major Skill (5 +158 points) in game 'Bring some Skill'
Recruit Novaesdu (2 +0 points) in game 'WW3'
Cadet Dezinho14 (1 +0 points) in game 'WW3'
Cadet Gagum4o (1 +0 points) in game 'WW3'
Recruit Jedidiah Clay (2 +0 points) in game 'aaaa'
Cadet Dezinho14 (1 +0 points) in game 'aaaa'
Marshall BlackVeil (9 +448 points) in game 'Texas tea'
Lieutenant Atticus (4 +160 points) in game 'Texas tea'
Recruit Strider Dune (2 +0 points) in game 'rumble in the jungle'